Hey y'all! My name is Alivia Gambrill Shaw, and welcome to my website/art portfolio! Art has been a passion of mine since I was a little girl. I've gone from wanting to be a wedding dress designer, to an interior designer, to a photographer, and here we are today... a graphic design graduate! Drawing, painting, taking pictures, decorating, or creating whatever pops into my brain pretty much sums me up. I love spending time with my husband Andrew, family, puppies Teddy & Andy, being involved with my church, going to the beach, and shopping at TJ Maxx:)
I believe that creativity is a vital part of life. If you have that desire to create or crazy idea that no one else can even understand, go for it. The world needs more people that are willing to take a chance and simply create--create things that will improve life as we know it. I hope that by looking through my work that you too can see the magic and beauty that I see in this awesome world we are living in.